Friday, September 16, 2011

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Read This Book You Will!

When nerdy 6ixth grader, Dwight, comes to school dispensing advice by way of a paper finger puppet – his friends are intrigued.  The finger puppet just happens to be an Origami Yoda that has the knack of foreseeing the future and becomes a wise counselor to the students.  Could it be possible that Dwight is the one that is helping to sooth their middle school angst?  But he is such a dweeb!  How can that be?!

This very funny book is written by Tom Angleberger - check out his website to learn how to fold your own Yoda or Darth Vader.
The sequel to Origami Yoda has just come out, appropriately named Darth Paper.  Check them both out in our children’s department and come make your own origami Yoda and Darth Paper on September 30 from 4:00 to 5:00 in the Lewis Auditorium.   - Lora

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